Keeping the kiddos engaged in organization is a challenge! If you are the only one maintaining the house organization, ESPECIALLY during summer break, it can feel like you are constantly losing that battle and it’s easy for fatigue to set in.
Don’t give up! We tell our clients to just pivot into a different method. Including kids in the home organization can be tricky at first, but the more you do it, those simple habits become second nature for your family.
Here are some of my tips to keeping kids engaged this summer:
Have a Chore Chart:
I always had chore charts for my kids. This makes it easier for them to remember what they are expected to have done each day before the fun can start. These chores consisted of everyday tasks that you do because you are a member of the family, and it takes everyone helping to keep a house tidy. Then we had chores that would take more effort. Those were the ones that earned extra privileges. We would create an incentives list for each child that they determined beforehand. Whether that was extra screen time, money, or even a lunch date. This was a great incentive to get their chores done, with a happy attitude and less complaining.
Make a Game Out of it:
Make putting things away a game. This works great for the younger crowd. Make sure you have their bins labeled with what goes in them. If they can’t read yet put pictures on the labels. Turn on their favorite song and set a timer. If they beat the timer, they get a prize.
Create an Easy Drop Zone:
Have a basket or bin sitting in common areas and make this a drop zone. If there are things that need to be put away, drop them in the bin. At the end of the day everyone takes what belongs to them and puts it away. Pick a basket that you like seeing in your common areas and even add their name to their drop basket.
Rewards & Bucket Lists:
Make a bucket list, ask the kids what they would most like to do, choices can be anything from going to a favorite restaurant to where they want to go for vacation. Have each of them make a list, discuss the options, then make a master list, this is a great resource when trying to come up with activities. Need help coming up with ideas? Google your area, you may be surprised to find places to visit that you had either forgotten about or didn’t know existed. The more your kiddos help around the house can be an incentive to work towards another adventure on their bucket list.
And don’t forget to include your calendar in the mix. Make a list of everyone’s activities, camps, sports, parties, etc. Put everything on the calendar, including transportation so kiddos know what’s coming up and when/what they need to prepare for each event. This also gives kids an idea of what their week will look like & how they can still do their part to help keep your home and schedule organized.
Hope these tips help keep your home, your calendar, and your sanity organized and happy!